The love of Detroit muscle brought
men to tears — and fans to Mecum.

Mecum is the largest classic car auction in the country. When they came to us, they were launching a car transportation service. Upon diving into the car transportation segment, we saw ads that focused on how careful a company is or how their drivers are specially trained. What we didn’t see is the reason why that matters.

People deeply love these cars. They had car posters on their walls as kids. They begged their mom for a Hot Wheel or Matchbox every time they went to the store. Some even owned these cars during the best times of their lives. For Mecum to Be Magnetic we knew that we needed to demonstrate how clearly Mecum understood their love and passion for these cars and how reverently Mecum treats both the cars and their customers.

On YouTube and Facebook, plenty of burly men with names like Stoney and Cort confessed that this spot brought them to tears and was one of their favorites they’d ever seen.

Instead of just making a point, we made fans.

:30 Television

Must be nice to have such a loving wife!”
- Cort
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